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What is Triathlon?

I think it sounds scarier than it actually is. First thing I want to say is YOU can do it. I encourage anyone to sign up to one… they are fun, varied and the best sport for your body!

Triathlon is made up of a swim, bike, and run, in that order and one after another.

The distances vary, which is great as it means there is a triathlon for everyone!

  • Super sprint distance: 400m (swim), 10km (bike), 2.5km (run)

  • Sprint distance: 750m (swim), 20km (bike), 5km (run)

  • Standard (Olympic) distance: 1500m (swim), 40km (bike), 10km (run)

  • 70.3/middle/half-Ironman distance: 1.9km (swim), 90km (bike), 21km (run)

For training I would say you would need 3 months if you are completely new to the sport, if you have experience in one or two of the disciplines then this can be halved.

Of course to be competitive it takes months and years of consistency and conditioning.

Where to Tri?

“Keep it local, keep is short, keep it fun”

Triathlon is all over the world! Finding one shouldn’t be too difficult.

Starting with a sprint distance race and work your way up to longer distances, this will avoid injury and give suitable time for your body to strengthen and build endurance.

When you do finish your first, you’ll be sure to be back online looking for the next challenge, it is an addiction.

There are triathlons called ‘Go Try’ there are also ‘Women Only’ races too if you aren’t confident with the competitiveness and intimidation of others who are experienced, and would prefer more like minded abilities.

What about training?

Join a club? or not?…. I haven’t joined a club but I have hired a coach I found on the British Triathlon website.

Reason being I was part of a running club for a couple of years and this is what set my experience to run competitively - I loved being part of the club. I miss it to this day. The reason I am not part of this club anymore is simply because I moved away from the area when I was pregnant to be nearer to family and friends.

However saying that there are Tri clubs near me, and I haven’t yet joined any - I find that having a coach gives me the ability to train correctly during times that suit my day - and not be governed by club times / meets. While that is a pro - a negative is that I can only push myself, so I am sure I will likely join a club to give me that extra push, especially on the bike sessions.

A club will show you local cycle or run routes that you didn’t even know about, not to mention are much safer when in packs/groups.

It’s easy to find a triathlon club near you as the British Triathlon website lists clubs by region

Now go… enter a race! You will not regret it.



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At 35 years old, and months after becoming a mum of two I decided I wanted to compete professionally at triathlon, whilst maintaining my working life too.

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